4 Complete the questions. Am making dinner. B What are you making 1 A She's studying in her bedroom B What 2 A The frog is hiding from the snake. B Where 3 A My sister is teaching English B Who 4 A They're watching TV B What 5 A The elephants are running to the river. B Where 6 A Daniel is playing a computer game. B What



Ответ дал: wywwgashish


What is she studying?

Where is the frog?

Who is teaching English?

What are they watching?

Where are the elephants running?

What is playing Daniel?

gajapmaltabarova: Спс
wywwgashish: рада помочь
mustafaevaasima: спс
abduraimovaalina25: спасибо
abduraimovaalina25: спасибо
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