fun, fly) ner about their Kercise 5. It isn't very big. 3 Write questions for the answers using the words in brackets. Ron What are you watching? (what / you / watch) Emi I'm watching those otters. Look! Ron ? (where / those otters / swim to) Emi They're swimming to the river bank. Ron 2__? (why / do / that) Emi Because there are eagles in the sky. Ron ? (what/ that otter / do) Emi She's protecting her baby Ron ? (who / watch, the otters) Emi They're scientists. Ron 5_? (why/watch/ the otters) Emi Because they're counting them. Ron ? (where / that scientist / go) Emi I don't know. Be quiet! 3 4 7 6 ПЖ ОТВЕТЬТЕ​


Ответ дал: alziramaksutova64


Ron: What are you watching?

Emi: I'm watching those otters. Look!

Ron: Where are those otters swimming to?

Emi: They're swimming to the river bank.

Ron: Why are they doing that?

Emi: Because there are eagles in the sky.

Ron: What is that otter doing?

Emi: She's protecting her baby.

Ron: Who is watching the otters in that small boat?

Emi: They're scientists.

Ron: Why are they watching the otters?

Emi: Because they're counting them.

Ron: Where is that scientist going?

Emi: I don't know. Be quiet!


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