50. Исправь ошибку.
1. Mary will help you as soon as she will be free.
2. If the teacher ask us, we will tell him the truth.
3. If you don't believe what I say, will ask you mother.
4. If you will hear any information about them, could you please let me know?
5. If Alex need a computer, he can borrow mine.
6. If you not like this film, I will bring you another one.


Ответ дал: Shhdbdgdudj


1. Mary will help you as soon as she be free

2. if the teacher asks us, we will tell him the truth

3. if you don't believe what i say, you will ask your mother

4. if you hear any information about them, could you please let me know?

5. if Alex needs a computer, he can borrow mine

6. if you don't like this film, I will bring you another one

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