Read the theory. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense
1 A: When............(Bayan/take) the car to the mechanic?
B: I'm not sure — I..................(ask) him when he.................(come) home
2 A: Is it too late to go to the cinema?
B: Yes, the film.........................(start) by the time we.................(get) there
3 A: Has Leyla called you?
B: Not yet. As soon as I............ (have) any news, I...............(let) you know.
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aseliamiss05: Сделала?


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. When Bayan will take the car to the mechanic?

I‘m not sure - I will ask him when he arrives

2. Is it too late to go to the cinema?

Yes, the film will have started by the time we get there.

3. Has Leyla called you?

Not yet. As soon as I have any news, I will let you know.

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