Срочно помогите мне написать предложение не надо переводить пожалуйста

Grammar Exercise 2

What advice would you give to friend who is going for a job interview?

e.g. Go to bed early the night before. Don't stay up late.

1 be nervous

2 wear old jeans

3 have a good breakfast- and eat it all

4 think of questions to ask

5 breathe deeply, stay calm

6 talk too fast

7 be aggressive

Now add two more suggestions of your own.


Ответ дал: borisovamaria2
1)Try to think about something else.Don’t be nervous
2)You need to look good while job interview.Don’t wear old jeans.
3)You need to have a good breakfast before the interview.You will feel better
4)Think what questions they might ask you.Be ready.
5)Try to concentrate on something else.Breath deeply and stay calm
6)Talk more slowly or interviewer will don’t understand anything you will say about .
7)Don’t be aggressive .Nobody wants an aggressive employee.
8)Brush your teeth.It will show your good side.
9)Say some compliments.It will be easier to get a job.

Azamxoja: о спасибо огромное хоть кто-то понял(а) что надо делать а то кто-то тупо переводит
borisovamaria2: не за что !!!
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