Where does Peter live?
Where is the cottage?
Why does Peter love living in the countryside?
Why is it easy to go for a walk?
What do people do at the end of the day?
When do people go to bed?
Why do people go to bed early?
Where can the children play in the streets?
What happens sometimes in winter?



Ответ дал: elenboleyn
  1. Peter lives in the countryside, in a cottage.
  2. The cottage is near a small village.
  3. Peter loves living in the countryside because it's calm there.
  4. It's easy to go for a walk because there isn't any violence; it's safe there.
  5. At the end of the day people get together at the main square and chat.
  6. People go to bed early.
  7. People go to bed early because there isn't much to do in the evening.
  8. Children can play in the streets or in the fields.
  9. Sometimes it snows a lot in winter and people are isolated for a few days.
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