You are taking a course in madia studies. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving the advantages and disadvantages of using a newspaper as your only source of news


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Every day we  need some information. It may be information of all kinds: about sport, about study, about health. There are many ways to recieve any information you need:  from newspapers and magazines, TV and radio programmes. Of course, radio is less popular than newspapers or TV. As for me I listen to the radio only in a car and in a bus, I don't listen to the radio at school or at home except the time when I do my homework. But very seldom, because I have Internet and I prefer listening some music and news using it not radio. Of course, I know some radio stations such as "Mayak", "Russain Radio" and "Eho Moskvy" (Эхо Москвы - название передач не переводится на иностранный язык) and my favourite radio programme is "Virgin" because they play rock and popular music 24 hours a day.   When we speak about mass media I always speak about TV and TV programmes. Millions of people are fond of watching. There are many different TV programmes, shows, soups, interesting films, advertisements, news, plays to watch. My parents spend a lot of time watching everything. Of course, sometimes they show something interesting but not very often.  If somewhere something important or dangerous takes place journalists will report these events on TV, but their endless soups are awful. Other people say that television is becoming a national disease. I agree with them.  Lots of my friends are fond of watching but I have to confess, I hate TV programmes. I think it's waste of time. And I think that they damage their eyes, become lazy, put on their weight and have no time to do sports or to read books.  I prefer doing sports, playing games in the open air and taking part in different sport competitions.

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