Write sentences with will
 Example: Sit down (i/make/you a cup of tea).I'll make you a cup of tea.
a)It's time for me  to go home.- (I/go/with you)
b) (I/help/you/with this exercise)
c) - I won't finish this exercise. - (I/help/you/with/the translation)Don't worry.
d) - I am hungry.I didn't have any lunch. - (I/buy/lunch/for you)
e) - I want to go to the museums, but I don't know the way. - (I/go/with you).


Ответ дал: nunny
a) It's time for me to go home.- I will go with you.
b) I will help you with this exercise.
c) - I won't finish this exercise. - I will help you with the translation. Don't worry.
d) - I am hungry. I didn't have any lunch. - I will buy lunch for you.
e) - I want to go to the museums, but I don't know the way. - I will go with you.

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