Заполните необходимые цифры в пробелах:
Kate is in the ……. .(ten) form. Our office is situated on the (hundred)……….. floor of this building. Some days ago we celebrated the (sixty - five) ……….anniversary of the Victory Day. The letter was received on the (twenty-one)……of January. I am only ……(one) person who know English very well. My friend lives on the …….(twenty) floor. My granny celebrated her………. (sixty) birthday. The (nine)…….of May 1945 Russian people celebrate the Victory Day. My friend is going to Moscow on the…. (five) of June. London is ……(one)of the biggest cities in Europe


Ответ дал: this1is


1)10 2)100 3)65 4)21 5)1 6)20 7)60 8)9 9)5 10)1

this1is: можешь пожалуйста сделать мой Ответ Лучшим плиииииз
Ответ дал: arjavad2345


10-ten,hundred-100,sixty-five-65,one-1,twenty-one-21, twenty-20,sixty-60,nine-9,five-5

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