1. My bicycle ... last week, stole has stolen was stolen 2. The England football team ... in Italy yesterday, arrived were arrived was arrived 3. Peter is my favourite brother. He is my ... brother. I'm and he's 30 younger older elder 4. We have 5 minutes, you can check VOUIS your yourselves 5. Mir Green lives here. So... I. do have 6. If there ... more pollution, there ... more health probloms. are: will be is will be will hey are 7. If he ... anyone my secret, I ... very angry. tell will be will tell will be tells will be 8. The room soon. My parents are coming tomorrow, should cleaned will clean should be cleaned 9. ... the weather ... for this weekend? Shall be forecast Will/ forecast Will be forecast 10. Yesterday 1 ... a very tasty cake, 3 ​


Ответ дал: lewpew


1.was stolen.

2.was arrived




6. 1(will be) 2(are)

7.will be tells

8.should be cleaned


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