4 ACTIVATE Follow the steps in the writing guide. O WRITING GUIDE A TASK Look at the photo below and write an article about polar bears. B THINK AND PLAN Read the notes below about polar bears and match a-e in exercise 3 with paragraph titles 1-3. Paragraph 1: Introduction: e Paragraph 2: Life and habitat: Paragraph 3: Problems: C WRITE Write your article plan. Use the model text and the key phrases. follo your paragraph D CHECK • the use of because Notes: The polar bear a females: two babies / cubs / every four or five years b red list: climate / change → ice / melt; pollution; hunting fur c habitat: the Arctic/ on ice d food: seals and fish \e this photo: polar bears / on ice; hunt / seals f photo: a female with two cubs g behaviour: aggressive; hunt seals; can swim

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