1. Ann ….(visit) her parents this Sunday.

2. Mother …..(take) me to school every day.

3. Be quiet. My sister ….(sleep).

4. The train….(leave) at 7 : 30 p.m.

5. ….. (he/ do) his homework now?

6. She ….(not/watch ) NV now.

7. Mike …..(not/like) flying by plane?

8. …..(they/leave) next week?

9. She …(be) always late for breakfast.

10. Sally usually ….(do) her homework in the evening.
Раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в Present simple или Present continuous.


Ответ дал: michaeljackson53


1. Ann is visiting her parents this Sunday.

2. Mother takes me to school every day.

3. Be quiet. My sister is sleeping.

4. The train leaves at 7:30 p.m.

5. Is he doing his homework now?

6. She is not watching TV now.

7. Mike doesn't like flying by plane?

8. Are they leaving next week?

9. She is always late for breakfast.

10. Sally usually does her homework in the evening.


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