Срочно Пж!!!!! Много баллов даю!!!!

Туда не попали некоторые номера поэтому я их напишу здесь.

30. When I _____(live) in London, I often ________(go) to the theatre.

31. Last night I went to bed after_____(prepare) my presentation.

32. I know when he ______(arrive) to airport.


Аноним: а тебе насколько срочно?
Аноним: Ну примерно через 15 минут
Аноним: ок, я тут напишу
Аноним: Здесь можешь помочь???
Аноним: Спс
Аноним: 6. study
7. were
8. are
9. bought
10. goes
11. is
12. am
13. consult
14. is running
15. was discussing
16. belongs
17. are; whispering
18. plays; is hitting
19. sleeps
20. speaks
21. is running
22. didn't see
23. is discussing
24. saw; was speaking
25. was cutting; was pasting
26. arrived; were sitting
27. met; was going
28. rang; was having
29. was listening; were doing
Аноним: Спасибо большое!!!!!!
Аноним: 30. lived; went 31. prepared 32. arrived (или is arriving)
Аноним: А можешь ещё помочь??
Аноним: А тебе сколько лет? И в каком ты классе?


Ответ дал: Аноним

6. study

7. were

8. are

9. bought

10. goes

11. is

12. am

13. consult

14. is running

15. was discussing

16. belongs

17. are; whispering

18. plays; is hitting

19. sleeps

20. speaks

21. is running

22. didn't see

23. is discussing

24. saw; was speaking

25. was cutting; was pasting

26. arrived; were sitting

27. met; was going

28. rang; was having

29. was listening; were doing

30. lived; went

31. a) Last night I went to bed after having prepared my presentation


b) Last night I went to bed after I had prepared my presentation.


c) Last night I went to bed after I prepared my presentation.

32. a) I know when he is arriving to the airport


b) I know when he arrived to the airport

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