For each gap, choose an adjective from the list given and turn it into an adverb.
sudden exact fortune slow
Tom was 1) ....slowly .... walking out of his favourite café when a notice board 2) .............. caught his attention. "Frateriny", a local band, was holding auditions for a new drummer in a week's time. It was 3) ....... what he was looking for. 4) ............ , Tom had been practising regularly and was ready to perform!
strong lucky fast unfortunate
Simon loved extreme sports. So, when he got his new snowboard, he went down a dangerous mountain incredibly 1) …………..2) .............. , he fell and hurt his knee. It took many months but 3)………… he recovered from his injury and was able to
snowboard again. Today, he is a snowboard instructor who 4)…………. advises his students not to take risks.


Ответ дал: Impersona1

  1. slowly
  2. suddenly
  3. exactly
  4. fortunately
  1. fast
  2. unfortunately
  3. luckily
  4. strongly
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