2. Fill in the gaps with the or Ø (zero article). 1. ___ Chile is a country in South America. 2.__ He travels to Kingdom of Denmark a lot. 3. ___Eugene is a beautiful city. 4.___Alihan sends 10 text messages a day. 5.___ Tokyo is an expensive city to live in. 7. ____Meerim advised me to visit____ beautiful city. Rome because it's an old but 8. _____Washington D.C. is the capital city of ___America.​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Ø Chile is a country in Ø South America.

2. Ø He travels to the Kingdom of Denmark a lot.

3. Ø Eugene is a beautiful city.

4. Ø Alihan sends 10 text messages a day.

5. Ø Tokyo is an expensive city to live in.

6. Ø Asia is the largest continent in the world.

7. Ø Meerim advised me to visit Ø Rome because it's an old but beautiful city.

8. Ø Washington D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America.​

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