Упражнение 5. Fill in the articles with the geographical names where necessary.

1) I was taking off on a jet plane for ____ North America.
2) The sea was beneath us now, ____ Atlantic Ocean, but I couldn’t see it.
3) We were about to land at ____ Toronto.
4) The drive to ____ Ottawa took about 5 hours.
5) The scenery changed very little and I could see that in ____ Canada you drive for miles. Without it changing much at all.


Ответ дал: starlight42


1) I was taking off on a jet plane for North America.

2) The sea was beneath us now, the Atlantic Ocean, but I couldn’t see it.

3) We were about to land at Toronto.

4) The drive to Ottawa took about 5 hours.

5) The scenery changed very little and I could see that in Canada you drive for miles. Without it changing much at all.

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