Match the sentence beginnings (1-7) to endings (a-g).

1 Katherine's parents wered
2 Katherine enjoyed
3 Arthur was
4 In 1509 Katherine and Henry
5 Katherine and
6 Henry fell in love with
7 Mary became Queen of England

a got married.
b Anne Boleyn.
c was Mary.
d King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
e when her father died.
f Henry's brother
. g dancing and music.


Ответ дал: MrVladnet


1. Katherine's parents were King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

2. Katherine enjoyed dancing and music.

3. Arthur was Henry's brother.

4. In 1509 Katherine and Henry got married.

5. Katherine and Mary.

6. Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn.

7. Mary became Queen of England when her father died.

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