Заполнитепропуски cooтветствующимиместоимениямиизсписка:

I me mine you him her us them it myself yourself our your yours hers ours their theirs themselves herself
13) I always design dresses ….
14) They are Liz and Max. And the little girl is … sister.
15) … can see yourself in the mirror.
16) Is it your key? – Yes, it’s ….
17) I can’t find my books. I don’t remember where I put ….


Ответ дал: nunny
13) I always design dresses myself.
14) They are Liz and Max. And the little girl is their sister.
15) You can see yourself in the mirror.
16) Is it your key? – Yes, it’s mine.
17) I can’t find my books. I don’t remember where I put them.

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