Grammar Quiz
TASKI. Вставь глагол в правильном времени и форме.
1. My uncle (arrive)
in Moscow yesterday.
2. Mother always (turn on)
the lights when she (enter)
(not, clean) the house yet.
3. We
4. Look! The butterfly (fly)
5. People often (check in)
6. He (buy)
7. She (write)
8. Peter (read).
9. The door (open)
10. Mary already (lock)
online nowadays.
a return ticket the other day.
a letter to the friend the day before yesterday.
a book now and Tom (work)
the door.
in the study.
TASK2. Ответь на вопросы.
TIpumep: Can she sing? Yes, she can./No, she can't.
1. Can you read?
2. Can you speak English?
3. Can your mother dance well?
4. Can you touch the sky (OTPOHYTÁCu do heba)?
5. Can your sister fly?
6. Can your grandmother play tennis?
7. Can you play football?
TASK 3. Составь предложения
1. Can/Mary Poppins / well/cook
2. Buratino /read/can/ speak/ not/ French / and
3. fast/can/run/ Tom and Jerry
4. Kolobok /well / can/ not / jump
5. can/ Leopold / sing / well
6. not / computer games / can / Luntik / play
7. Winni-the-Pooh/not/drive/ a car/can


Ответ дал: mamamiy66peq4wv


1. arrived

3.we haven't cleaned the house yet.

4 fliyng

10 has locked

task2 2

1. yes, i can read

2. yes, i can speak english

3. no, she can't, i can't

5. no, she can't

6. no, she can't

7.yes, i can

task 3

1.marry poppins can cook well

2.buratino can not read and speak french

3. tom and jerry can run fast

4.kolobok can not jump well

5.leopold can sing well

6. luntik can not play computer games

7. winni the pooh can not drive a car

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