Заполните пропуски оборотами: there is/there are/there was/there were
1. ……..a bookshelf on the wall in my room when I was little. Now it is in my sister’s room.
2. …….a lot of modern conveniences in my kitchen.
3. ……..posters in my bedroom 3 years ago, but I gave them away.
4. …….a yellow floor in our living room. We changed the room. Now it’s white.
5. ……5 chairs in the room. Now ……..10 chairs in the room.
6. ……a beautiful picture in the hall yesterday.
7. ……a desk near my bed. Now …..a desk near the door.
8. ……a computer on my desk.
9. …….2 comfortable armchairs in our living room.
10. …….a wardrobe in my mum’s room


Ответ дал: Аноним


1.there is

2.there are

3.there are

4.there is

5.there are

6.there is

7.there is, there is

8.there is

9.there are

10.there is

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