Complete the conversation with some
or any
DAD It's Mum's birthday tomorrow. Let's make
cake for her
ALEX Yeah, great idea. What do we need?
DAD Well, first we need some
sugar and
ALEX What about fruit?
We're going to make a banana cake, so w
need 2
ALEX OK. But we've got
oranges and
strawberries here as well. Can we use then
DAD Well, maybe we can put
strawberries on the top of the cake, but I'm
sure we don't need
a banana cake, Alex!
ALEX OK. Oh, it's going to be a great cake, Dad
But don't forget the candles. A birthday
cake isn't right if there aren't
candles on it.
DAD That's right
ALEX So, can we please put? candles
on it?
DAD Sure. Now - what do we do first?
ALEX I can look on the computer to get
information about cakes. OK
DAD No, we haven't got? time for
that. Come on-let's start.


Ответ дал: 666NOOBASHA666

1. Make SOME cake

2. We've got SOME oranges

3. We can put SOME strawberries

4. Can we please put SOME candles?

5. On the computer to get SOME infromation

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