VIL Circle the right variant. 1. A: Have you finished your work? B: a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, I haven't. c) Already 2. A: You haven't forgotten to send a Christmas present, ... B: a) haven't you? b) have you? c) isn't it? 3. What would you do if you had time? a) I should have gone to the cinema. b) I shall go to the cinema. c) I should go to the cinema. 4. A: Where would you like to spend your holidays? B: a) at the seaside. b) on the seaside. c) on the sea 5. A: Shall I start? B: a) Yes, you will. b) Please, do. c) You should 6. A: It is time to go home, isn't it? B: a) Yes, it is time. b) Yes, you should c) Yes, it is.​


Ответ дал: katkoo


1. - a

2. - b

3. - c

4. - b

5. - a

6. - c

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