2 Choose the correct alternative to complete the
1 Excuse me, Madam, you must / mustn't park here. It
says 'No Parking
2 We mustn't/ needn't go out if you're tired. We can
watch a film at home.
3 You mustn't / needn't forget to phone Alfie. He
needs to talk to you.
4 You mustn't/ needn't go to the library for the book
- you can use my copy.
5 Sally, you know you mustn't/ needn't wear
jewellery to school. Take those rings off.
6 John, you must / needn't do at least three hours of
piano practice before your exam.


Ответ дал: MrVladnet


1. mustn't  

2. needn't  

3. needn't  

4. needn't  

5. mustn't  

6. must

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