Задание по английскому. Срочно надо,помогите! Даю 100 баллов. В ответе напишите только прилагательное
Make the adjective from the following word in brackets and fill in the gap.
1.The new flat isn’t…………….. (afford). It’s too expensive.

2.My grandpa told us different ………….. (humour) stories about his childhood.
3He was ……………. (able) to play football after the injury.
4.You shouldn’t sleep on your face and abdomen because it is ……….. (harm) to your body.
5.Please be careful with that statue. It’s extremely ………... (value).
6.I described a …………… (hypothesis) case to clarify my point.
7.Our cars pump out thousands of tonnes of …………… (poison) fumes every year.
8.Alice starts a relationship with …………….. (romance) Ted.
9.I didn't expect my sister to become a …………… (success) artist.
10.We are very ………………. (fortune) to live in countries where we have enough to eat and our lives are not in danger.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 affordable

2 humorous

3 unable

4 harmful

5 valuable

6 hypothetical

7 poisonous

8 romantic

9 successful

10 fortunate

polllyana: 2 неправильно написано humourous- правильно
polllyana: 3 тоже неправильно unable-правильно
kkostylewa71: Человек,который это написал, ты лучший!!!!!
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