TASK 3* Complete the email using the past simple form of the verbs in the box. have get up be fly eat play visit be enjoy be go Q- From New Mailboxes Get Mall Search Mailbox Delete Reply Reply All Forward Hi Aruzhan, 2 3 visited my cousins in Monte Carlo last weekend. First, there a party at their flat on Friday night. There lots of interesting people there. Then, we quite late on Saturday. We 4 breakfast in a street café. After that, we 5 volleyball on the beach. Later, out to a nightclub. Finally, I WA back home on Sunday afternoon. 18 a great time!!! seeing my cousins - it a lot of fun. 6 we 10 Love, Laura​



Ответ дал: kasekevip1982



1.Was, were, get up, are, played, went, flew, had, enjoyed, was

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