Помогите, пожалуйста!
Раскройте скобки.
Вы должны выбрать время: Past Simple или же Past Continious

1. She ... (come) home 2 minutes ago.
2. ... you ... (hear) the news about Jane yesterday?
3. John was eating a sandwich, while his sister ... (sleep).
4. Diana was doing her homework, while Vlada ... (watch) TV.
5. When the burglar ... (enter) the room, they were sleeping peacefully.
6. We ... (send) e-mails at 10 pm.

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Ответ дал: ayerfeil


she is coming home 2 minutes ago.

Am you hearing the news about Jane yesterday?

John was eating a sandwich,while his sister sleeping.

Diana was doing her homework,while Vlada watching TV.

When the burglar entereting the room,they were sleeping peacefully.

We are sending e-mails at 10 pm.


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