1. Раскройте скобки в Past Continuous
1. I saw him two days ago. He ...... (look for) a new job. *
2. Yesterday at 9 a.m., I (have) breakfast. *
4. Three years ago, he had a good job, and he (earn) a lot of money. *
6. My children .............. still .........(do) their homework at twelve o'clock last night. *
5. This time last year, our country (sell) oil to other countries, but now it is importing oil from abroad. *
3. The mechanic promised to repair my car last Saturday, but yesterday he ......... still ............ (try) to find the problem. *


Ответ дал: seviwka07


1)was looking for

2)was having

4)was earning

6)were doing

5)was selling

3)was trying


типо так,но я знаю что past continuous пишется was /were и добавляется окончание ing

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