Срочно!! Прошу помочь решить 1 и 2 задание, заранее спасибо!


dashastanok: Не проходите мимо, напишите пж..(


Ответ дал: Disguosma

1. 1) was working, ringed

  2) were hiking, hit

  3) was raining, fell

  4) was reading, stopped

  5) was daydreaming, yelled

  6) were eating, heared

2. 2) He ran to the bus stop when he was tripping.

   3) Bill sprained his ankle when he was playing tennis.

   4) Tony burned his hand when he was boiling eggs.

   5) Liz fell into bushes when she was climbing the ladder.

   6) Pete broke his arm when he was climbing the tree.

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