25 Read your exercise diary and write a report. Write your project in your notebook Writing Tip! • Use on for days of the week; use at for break time and the weekend Think! • Use a new sentence to write about each day or place where you do exercise. Remember! Use the present tense to write about what you do every day. • Use the present continuous tense to say what you're doing in the photos, Every week, I get
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Ответ дал: zsofiaz29



Every week , I get new knowledge and thanks to the lessons at school . I also do self-development at home . I also always do my homework in the evenings for about three hours. Besides all this love to dance and every Friday I watch dance lessons, and then wor out what I learned . Also , a week ago I learned a new salad recipe and now I cook this every two days .

My every day is productive.

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