b. 500 gram.
N№19. Соотнеси вопросы в левой части с ответами в правой.
1. How much flour do we need for the bread? a. Yes, they do.
2. Do you live near here?
3. What sport does your sister like?
c. At half past six.
4. What time do you get up?
d. Yes, I do.
5. Does your father drive to work?
e. No, she doesn't.
6. When is your birthday?
f. She likes tennis.
7. Do the children go to the park at weekends? g. In May
8. Does she live near you?
h. Yes, he does.



Ответ дал: kamillakonurova


1. b

2. d

3. f

4. c

5. h

6. g

7. a

8. e

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