Помогите пожалуста з к/р!!! дам 35 балов​



Ответ дал: Merkiplier


1) watches, I don't like, don't study, don't wear, have, goes, don't do

2) Do Tina and Alex visit their grandparents in Sunday? Yes, they do

Does your dad use the computer a lot? No, he doesn't

Do you have Maths on Tuesday morning? No, I don't

Does Maria enjoy music? Yes, she does

3) I hate to get up early in the morning, Do you like swim, She doesn't mind studying for exams, We like to have breakfast together at the weekend, They don't like to go to school by bus

4) Tim usually gets up at 7 o'clock, Why do you always study in your bedroom, Giorgio and I sometimes go to the cinema, They hardly ever do their homework in evening, Does Dan often play computer games with his sister

5) 1c, 2f, 3e, 4g, 5a, 6b, 7d


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