3 Complete the text with the words from the box. bad, time, ill, sore, on, stayed, came (2) On Monday Jim woke up at 7.30 am. He sighed and looked out of the window. He didn't want to go to school because of the French test. His mother in, "Jim, it's ... to get up! You'll be late for school!" Jim closed his eyes and said, "Mum, I can't go to school. I feel .... I have a throat. I think I fell ...." Jim ... in bed all the day. He was sad, He wore a warm scarf and had much tea, lemon and honey. After school Jim's friends to visit him. They didn't have any test. They will have French test ... Thursday. . 4 Read what the children likod​


Ответ дал: csadrenalin


Jim woke up at 7.30 am. He sighed and looked out of the window. He didn't want to go to school because of the French test.  

His mother came in, "Jim, it's time to get up! You'll be late for school!" Jim closed his eyes and said, "Mum, I can't go to school. I feel bad I have a sore throat.  

I think I fell ill" Jim stayed in bed all the day. He was sad. He wore a warm scarf and had much tea, lemon and honey. After school Jim's friends came to visit him.  

They didn't have any test. They will have French test on Thursday.


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