PRACTICAL ENGLISH 1 Match questions 1-10 to answers b-k. Example: How old are you? | What time is it? 2 Is this your laptop? 3 When do you finish work? 4 What does Maria do? 5 Is the restaurant open tonight? 6 Do you want anything else? 7 How much is it? 8 How can help you? 9 Are we late? 10 Do you need to hurry in the mornings? it I'm 25. b I have a reservation here c No, it isn't. Ir's Jack's. d Yes, I always get up late! e Ithink it closes on Mondays. [ Athalf past five g No.thanks. h It's €25.35 i Iis 6 o'clock. i She's a nurse k Yes, but it's OK Sit down. please al nglish total​


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