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Ответ дал: angelina01010


Michael was returning from his work to home in the evening. That time he heard that his mobile phone was ringing. He took his phone when a young lady was crossing the road. Michael had observed her, but didn't have time to slow down. She was hitted by him.

Michael rushed from his car fearfully.

he asked if she was alive

,,yes, I'm fine, thanks,, she answered hastily

Fortunately, the lady was good

Young people had started conversation, then the couple became good friends. One day the lady offered to Michael to go to quest. Michael didn't really like adventures, but that day he had no choice. So he agreed with her offer and they were spending their time happily. That time they achieved the goal earlier than other players. After it they continue to go to do it almost every week.

Thanks to this accident, Michael has realized how important is to be careful on the road and not to look aside.

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