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Ответ дал: brovkotima0002


Вроде так


1) Sam has broken his leg four times.

2) I have never flown a kite.

3) Has your brother ever eaten snails?

4) Our friends have not played volleyball this month.

5) Has he borrowed your pen?

6) My father has never read romantic books.

7) I have not seen Julia this morning.

8) Has Mrs. Salwick ever written a book?

9) My family has lived in this town for 6 years.

10) Has your grandma ever ride a bike?

Ответ дал: mbukhtiiarova


Sam has broken his leg four times

I never have flown a kite

Has your brother ever eaten snails ?

Our friends haven't played volleyball this month.

Has he borrowed your pen?

My father never has read romantic books

I haven't seen Julia this morning

Has Mrs. Salwick ever written book?

My family have lived in this town for 6 years

Has your grandma ever ride a bike?


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