Раскрыть скобки, используя прошедшее время.

1. I (watch) a cartoon when Sarah (phone).

2. I (not/finish) my homework by 5 o'clock, so I was late for the football practice.

3. He (break) two pencils yesterday.

4. I was tired because I (run).

5. Kate (already/see) the film, so she
(not come) with us to the cinema.

6. At 5.30 last afternoon we (have) dinner.

7. When she ( get up) her mother (already/make) breakfast.

8. By the time he (arrive), his friends (leave).

9. This time last year I (lie) at the sand beach
sipping cocktail.​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. I was watching a cartoon when Sarah phoned.

2. I hadn't finished my homework by 5 o'clock, so I was late for the football practice.

3. He broke two pencils yesterday.

4. I was tired because I had been running.

5. Kate had already seen the film, so she didn't come with us to the cinema.

6. At 5.30 last afternoon we were having dinner.

7. When she got up her mother had already made breakfast.

8. By the time he arrived, his friends had left.

9. This time last year I was lying at the sand beach sipping cocktail.​

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