1. The athletes soon _________ (return) from the competition.
2. His parents think Jim __________ (become) a doctor one day.
3. They have bought new sports shoes. They ___________ (start) running next week.
4. It’s getting dark. I ___________ (turn) on the light.
5. They __________ (be) eighteen next month.
6. Scientists for sure _________ (find) a cure for this disease.

Аноним: в будующем времени?
mahailzubrenko14: определите в каком предложении необходимо использовать will, а в каком be going to do smth


Ответ дал: VHawkV

1. The athletes soon will return from the competition.

2. His parents think Jim will become a doctor one day.

3. They have bought new sports shoes. They are going to start running next week.

4. It’s getting dark. I will turn on the light.

5. They will be eighteen next month.

6. Scientists for sure will find a cure for this disease.

mahailzubrenko14: спасибо
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