Complete the answers to the questions according to the model. Can you speak Italian? No, I can't. But I speak English. MODEL . 1. Can Mary swim? 2. Can William play the piano? 3. Can Jane sell sweets? 4. Can Betty write? 5. Can you sing? 6. Can they drive a car? 7. Can Bob play tennis? 8. Can you bake a cake? No, she .... But ... ski. ... the violin. buy sweets. ... read. ... dance. ... a bicycle. ... football. ... eat it.​



Ответ дал: abdurasulovazarina77


1) no, she can't. But she can ski

2) no, he can't. But he can play the violin.

3) no, she can't. But she can buy sweets.

4) no, she can't. But she can read.

5) no, I can't. But I xan dance.

6) no, they can't. But they can drive a bicycle.

7) no, he can't. But he can play football.

8) no, I can't. But I can eat it

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