Помогите,пожалуйста,срочно надо!Ответить на вопросы кратко. 1)Is Mag`s dog white and black?  2)Have they  got a parrot? 3)can Bill read books?  4)Did Mag take a photo of the stars yesterday?  5)Do Mag`s mother and sister Becky write letters on Sundays?Срочно,пожалуйста!


Ответ дал: nindanil
1. yes, it is (No, it isn't)
2. Yes, they have/No, they haven't
3. yes, he can/No, he can't
4. Yes, she did/No, she didn't
5. Yes, they do/No, they don't

Opelsinka123: Спасибо,большое!
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