Вставьте пропущенные слова в текст. Но при условиях что они должны быть V2 или Ving. V - слово.
Слова: watch, speak, have, listen to, talk, taste, go (2)
Текст. Слова, которые нужно вставить, отмечены .....
They ..... English for ..... hours.
They ..... a film about the Vikings from 11.15 to .....
They ..... traditional English meals at ..... time.
The pupils ..... to English folk songs at the ..... lesson.
At ..... they ..... to the library.
They ..... with a famous children's writer for .....
They ..... home at .....


Ответ дал: ludokpolet
They speak English for tallk home
They watch a film about the Vicings from 11/15

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