1. It _____ Jack’s birthday two days ago.

A) was B) were C) is D) are

2. A: Who _____ you eat with?

B: Well, I _____ dinner with friends.

A) did / eat B) did / eats C) did / ate D) did / eaten

3. Ann usually _____ to work, but yesterday she_____ .

A) drive / walks B) drives / walked C) drove / walked D) drive / walk

4. It usually _____ a lot in winter but last year it _____ .

A) rains / snowed B) rains / snows C) rain / snowed D) rain / snow

5. Ann and Max usually _____ sailing at weekends, but last weekend they _____ tennis.

A) goes / played B) go / played C) went / play D) went / played

6. Now she _____ alone, but when she was a child she _____ with her mother and sisters.

A) live / lived B) lives / lived C) lived / lives D) live / lived

7. Where _____ she live in 1950?

A) does B) is C) did D) do

8. She _____ work when she was 8.

A) started B) starts C) start D) starting

9. “_____ you like the film?”

“No, I _____ .”

A) Are / am not B) Did / didn’t C) Do / didn’t D) Are / didn’t

10. “When _____ you have your last holiday?”

“Last August.”

A) do B) are C) did D) is

11. We were ________ when we passed the test because it was quite difficult.

A) envious B) relieved C) suspicious D) upset

12. I was ________ when I dropped my tray of food in the canteen.

A) embarrassed B) envious C) proud D) relieved

13. You were extremely ________ when you watched that sad film last week. You cried!

A) proud B) relieved C) suspicious D) upset

14. The sports teacher was very __________ of us when we won the match.

A) anxious B) embarrassed C) envious D) proud

15. Mum was ________ when my brother didn't come home on time.

A) anxious B) envious C) relieved D) proud

16. We _______ at the breakfast table when the doorbell_______.

A) were sitting/rang B) sat/was ringing

17. He _____a lot of friendly people while he _____ in California.

A) was meeting/worked B) met/was working

18. When they _____ the museum, the sun_____.

A) left/ was shining B) were leaving/shone

19. The students _____ cards when the teacher _____ in.

A) were playing/came B) played/was coming

20. While the children_____ , their parents _____ TV.

A) were sleeping/ were watching A) slept/watched

21. It _____ to rain while she _____ the flowers in her garden.

A) was starting/watered B) started/was watering

22. When I _____ the door, it _____.

A) was opening/rained B) opened/was raining

23. He _____ a loud bang while he _____ to his friend.

A) was hearing/talked B) heard/ was talking

24. While he _____ a shower, his dogs _____ his steaks.

A) was taking/ were eating B) took/ate

25. I always take a long ______ with me when l go climbing.

A) paintball B) poles C) rope d) boot

26. When I went kayaking, I broke my _____ and had to use my hands to get to the edge of the river.

A) boots B) paddles C) poles D) rope

27. People who go kayaking usually wear a _____ for safety.

A) boots B) life jacket C) paddles D) poles

28. Good _____ are really important if you’re walking a long way and you want to protect your feet.

A) boots B) paddles C) paintballing D) poles

29. It only takes _____ time to learn the rules of this game.

A) a few B) how many C) a little D) how much

30. _____ singing did you do at your drama club yesterday?

A) A few B) How many C) A little D) How much


Ответ дал: camilakalchseva







further i'm too lazy

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