Срочно помогите!Утворити 12 поширених речень з цими словами.Мне очень срочно нужно!​



Ответ дал: angelina01010


Can you make a glass of grape juice, please?

-Do you usually use salt or pepper in your salad?

-I use both salt and pepper

I'd like to buy a bottle of mineral water

I need oil to finish this meal

I'm adding vinegar and baking soda in my cake make it bigger

My sister usually drinks a glass of orange juice for breakfast

Can you give me a napkin, please?

I mixed all of vegetables in this big bowl

your plate is really small, how are you going to eat?

my fork has fallen. give me another one, please

I'll bring a knife to cut it

you need a spoon to eat your soup

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Аноним: биология
Аноним: Здравствуйте вы не могли бы вы мне помочь с английским языком пожалуйста умоляюhttps://znanija.com/task/46946394?utm_source=android&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=question
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