Поставь глагол в скобках в Past Continuous или Past Simple.

When I was young I ________ (play) in the school football team.
Why __________ (you, stand) on the chair when I (come) into the room?
David ________(ride) his bicycle while Kevin was skateboarding.
At 7 pm yesterday we _________ (listen) to music.
________ (he, see) a dentist yesterday?

Выбери правильный ответ.
There’s a(n) … with Matt Damon in today’s newspaper
show b) interview c) article
That white shoes don’t go … the black dress.
on b) off c) with
I’ve got some good news to tell you.
How awful! b) That’s terrible! c) Really?
Do you fancy … the reality show?
watch b) like c) watching
How is your work going …?
on b) off c) with


Ответ дал: qirong800



1. I played.

2. were you standing, came.

3. rode.

4. were listening.

5. Did you see?


1. an interview.

2. with.

3. Really?

4. watch.

5. on.


Ответ дал: veraermakova683

1. played

2.Are you standing/ I am coming

3.is riding

4. listened

5. Did he see


2 c

3 c

4. like


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