Ex. 4. In pairs ask and answer questions in the Past Perfect.
1.(what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after his lectures? - What had Bob done that he was kept in after his lectures?- He had missed more than 10 seminars.
2.(you / eat) anythingbefore you went to the theatre? - Had you eaten before you went to the theatre?- Yes, I had. No, I hadn’t.
3.(he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow?
4.(she / find) a new job by that time?
5.(they / book) a room before they went to Dublin?
6.(how often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door?
7.(why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party?
8.(Carly / wash) the dishes when her Mum came home?
9.(you / read) the contract before you signed it?
10.(who / live) in the house before we moved in?


Ответ дал: r6kmy96jt7

Ответ: 3. Had he lived in London before he moved to Glasgow?

Yes he had

4. Had she found a new job? No she hadnt

5. Had they booked a room before they went to Dublin? Yes they had

6. How often had you rung the bell before she answered? About 4 times

7. Why had they had dinner before they came to the party? They were hungry

8. Had Carly washed the dishes when her mom came home?

9. Had you read the contract before you signed it? Yes i had

10. Who had lived in the house before we moved in? The Millers


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