61. Choose the correct preposition: She's fallen in love ______ her sister's friend! A) At B) For C) Off D) With E) On 62. Choose the correct preposition: How often do you speak ______ your sister on Skype? A) For B) To C) Off D) At E) On 63. Choose the correct variant: Garry always _______ golf on Sundays. A) Play B) Plays C) To play D) Is plays E) Played 64. Choose the correct variant: Mary _______ a key when she was cleaning her car. A) Finded B) Founded C) Found D) Was finding E) Will find 65. Choose the correct variant: My brother and sister _____ playing tennis at 11am yesterday. A) Was B) Were C) Are D) Is E) Am
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Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

61. Choose the correct preposition:

She's fallen in love ______ her sister's friend!

D) With

62. Choose the correct preposition:

How often do you speak ______ your sister on Skype?

B) To

63. Choose the correct variant:

Garry always _______ golf on Sundays.

B) Plays

64. Choose the correct variant:

Mary _______ a key when she was cleaning her car.

C) Found

65. Choose the correct variant:

My brother and sister _____ playing tennis at 11am yesterday.

B) Were

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