помогите сор по англ яз



Ответ дал: amaliafarzaliiva27
Первое тебе самой нужно писать, а второе устно но ты можешь записать карандашом названия этих людей teacher, police men , cook, taxi driver, fire men or firefighter, doctor вот эти слова просто нужно их в правильном порядке поставить
Ответ дал: akimdariya6
I want to be Doctor. Because I want save people. And when my family is sick treat them. Doctor is very interesting job.

1)On the picture: teacher,doctor,taxi driver,chef,policeman,fireman.
2)Teacher teach children.
Doctor treat people and save people life.
taxi driver carries people.
the chef prepares food.
Policeman help to the people.
Fireman extinguishes fire.
3) teacher work in school.
Doctor in hospital
Taxi driver in car
Chef in restaurant and cafe’s
Police man in all city
Fireman save life in all city
4 и 5 не знаю
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