. Which is the … river in our country?

a. long

b. longer

c. longest

d. large

e. larger

2. There was … in the room.

a. somebody

b. somewhere

c. anybody

d. anything

e. some

3. Who … you this story yesterday?

a. speak

b. tell

c. told

d. spoke

e. said

4. When we came in, the film … already begun.

a. are

b. is

c. were

d. was

e. had

5. The work … done well two days ago.

a. has done

b. was done

c. has been done

d. was do

e. did

6. Books by Dickens … many times.

a. is publishing

b. have published

c. are published

d. were published

e. is published

7. What … you do every day?

a. does

b. do

c. did

d. doing

e. done

8. This problem … tomorrow.

a. will be discussed

b. have been discussed

c. is discussing

d. will discuss

e. had discussed

9. I wonder, why there are so … people.

a. no

b. such

c. some

d. much

e. many

10. I am sorry… I come in?

a. could

b. might

c. may

d. must

e. need

11. I … do this work yesterday. I was busy.

a. mustn’t

b. can’t

c. couldn’t

d. aren’t

e. weren’t

12. What … you doing here?

a. are

b. is

c. will

d. be

e. can

13 He … going to translate this article.

a. do

b. have

c. may

d. is

e. are

14. These pictures … by a young painter last year.

a. are painted

b. were painted

c. is painted

d. will be painted

e. have been painted

15. I … know him.

a. doesn’t

b. haven’t

c. hasn’t

d. isn’t

e. don’t

16. … go to the library.

a. won’t

b. doesn’t

c. don’t

d. haven’t

e. isn’t

17. Do you often … English to your teacher?

a. spoken

b. spoke

c. speak

d. speaking

e. speaked

18. … of you likes to speak French?

a. which

b. who

c. why

d. what

e. whom

19. … of you lives in the centre of Moscow?

a. whom

b. whose

c. who

d. which

e. when

20. How long does your working day …?

a. has lasted

b. is lasting

c. lasted

d. last

e. lasting

21. My sister works ...

a. many

b. much

c. some

d. not many

e. none

22. What … they discussing now?

a. are

b. were

c. will

d. is

e. was

23. Will you … at home tomorrow?

a. is

b. were

c. are

d. be

e. have

24. They … here an hour ago.

a. have

b. have been

c. was

d. were

e. are

25. I wrote him a letter …

a. since

b. today

c. last month

d. this month

e. tomorrow

26. … children don’t like to play football.

a. some

b. no

c. any

d. anybody

e. somebody

27. There … many children in the park yesterday.

a. hadn’t

b. aren’t

c. haven’t

d. wasn’t

e. weren’t

28. Where … we get these journals?

a. do

b. can

c. must

d. were

e. will

29. … I ask you a question? – Certainly.

a. am

b. must

c. may

d. was

e. will

30. He … come yet.

a. haven’t

b. didn’t

c. hasn’t

d. doesn’t

e. can’t​


Ответ дал: 1234563434343


1. longest

2. somebody

3. told

4. had

5. was done

6. were published

7. do

8. will be discussed

9. many

10. may

11. couldn't

12. are

13. is

14. were painted

15. don't

16. don't

17. speak

18. which

19. which

20. last

21. some

22. are

23. be

24. were

25. last month

26. some

27. weren't

28. can

29. may

30. hasn't

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