Complete the sentences with the correct first or second conditional forms of the verbs in brackets.
1.If you___ (can) choose any company, which company would you like to work for? 2.Where___(you/live) when you move from your flat? 3.If it____(not/rain) so much in England, you wouldn't see so many umbrellas. 4.Tom will be at the party tonight. If l see him, I_____(say) hello. 5.If the Antarctic______________(not/be) so cold , i'd go there in winter. 6.If these shoes _____(fit) her, she will buy them. 7.If you miss breakfast, you _______(feel) bad during the day. 8.If there _______(be) vegetables in the fridge, l would cook the soup. 9.They would understand her if she______(speak) slower. 10.If you eat a lot of fast food , you ______(gain) weight quickly.

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Ответ дал: ledaevmisa




could,will you live, was not rain, will say, was not, fits, will feel, were, spoke, will gain

Ответ дал: Даsha2004

Ответ: 1) if you could

2) will you live

3) didn't rain

4) I will say

5) wasn't

6) fit останется

7) will feel bad

8) If there were

9) Spoke

10) will gain

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