Who/What? -questions. What were the questions to the following answer? 1) is he? - A famous British writer. 2) is he? - Roald Dahl. 3) is he? Oliver Twist. is it? 4) - Oliver Twist, my favourite book. 5) is it? - "Young Telegraph", a British newspaper for children. 6) - are the best paid jobs in Britain? - Doctors and lawyers. 7) wrote books for children? - James Barrie, Roald Dahl and a lot of other writers. 8) - invented television? - John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer
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Ответ дал: marcopolo1
1. Who
2. Who
3. Who
4. What
5. What
6. What
7. Who
8. Who
Там где про людей используем Who, там где про вещи What :)
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