20.- Let me introduce _________________. I’m Jose Angel. 21.- While my mum was picking up the broken cup, she cut __________________. 22.- Our English teacher told us to stop shouting and to behave _____________________. 23.- My brother and I gave __________________ the same present at Christmas. 24.- Look at __________________. You’re covered in mud. 25.- Mary found ________________ a new boyfriend. 26.- Once they were friends, but now they don’t like _____________. 27.- Who did your homework for you? No one. I did it _________. 28.- The heating turns __________________ on at night. 29.- We enjoyed ________________ a lot at the party. 30.- John and I are very good friends. We see _____________ every week.

Complete the sentences with a suitable reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself…) or each other / one another. ​


Ответ дал: xXPlayfulSoulXx
20. Myself
21. Herself
22. Well ?
23. Each other
24. Yourself
25. Herself
26. Each other
27. Myself
28. Itself
29. Ourselves ?
30. Each other

(Вопросы стоят там, где я немного сомневаюсь, но это лучше чем ничего)

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